
Paint tool sai latest version 2019
Paint tool sai latest version 2019

paint tool sai latest version 2019

The button with the square will bring the canvas back to its standard angle (0 degrees). There is another drop-down menu if you would like to select the angle to work with, or you can click the buttons with the arrows to spin it clockwise or counterclockwise. The button with the square will bring the canvas back to its default view. There is a drop-down menu if you want to select a specific magnification, or you can click the plus or minus signs to get closer and further. This is how close or far away you are looking at the canvas.I usually use this once I finish lining a piece by selecting the area around the lines and then inverting into the lines to lay a base color 'inside' them. Inverts the selection area to the opposite of what is selected.Removes the blue or outline of the selection, letting you work on the canvas without restrictions again.Redoes undone strokes back in order of them being made.It is limited to 100 'Undo's, but that's always been enough for me to fix anything I need to. Undoes strokes in reverse order of you creating them.With a simple click of any of the buttons, you can easily undo mistakes, clear selections, change the stability of your cursor, and more! The Quick Bar is a toolbar with quick access to basic but necessary tools for working on your illustrations. Moves Color and Tool Panel to the Right or Left of the Canvas.Īlright, this is one of my favorite parts of SAI.Moves the Layer Panel to the Right or Left of the Canvas.SAI fills your entire desktop screen, which might be helpful if you're trying to keep yourself focused on your piece.This will hide just about everything BUT the canvas, so you would have to turn this on and off to change tools or add layers if you're not familiar with the short keys.Some may find this easier to work with since you can see the center of your stroke more easily. Rather than using the typical arrow-shaped cursor on your canvas, you'll have a small dot.This is the ring around your cursor to show how wide the brush size you have selected will be.This displays at the bottom right of the window and shows your memory usage and lights up what keys are being used or the cursor to show if the program is receiving the commands properly.This is the list of open files found at the bottom of the canvas so you can select which one you would like to view without short keys.This allows you to Undo, Redo, Invert and Clear Selections, Rotate and Flip the canvas, and Change the Stabilizer quickly. The bar at the top of the canvas and just under the tabs.This is the window at the top of the layer panel, it shows your entire canvas and how you are currently viewing it with a red outline.

Paint tool sai latest version 2019